Left Brian Right Brain


Where the right brain meets the left brain.

As you listen to an interval, relax and “get inside” the sound. Feel free to hum or chant in resonance with the interval. Notice how your body responds and changes.

If you are in a quiet place, listen to the changes in the sound of your nervous system.

** With some practice, you will be able to hum an interval and our nervous system and body will automatically align with the sound and take on the proportions of the interval.

In the Ancient Egyptian temple science music was used to enter into resonance with the Divine laws of creation. Sound was an integral part of sacred rituals practiced in earth locations with special subtle energy qualities. These special qualities became the essence of healing and communication with higher dimensions. Based on theories of world harmonics BioGeometry principles, the Sirius Odyssey reproduces this resonant connection and brings the natural balancing laws found on the archetypal level of the universe into our daily lives. By bringing our body and environment’s energy system into direct contact with this harmonizing universal energy quality we can reset our energetic blueprint on physical, emotional, and mental levels.

The compositions of Spirit Whistles are played with specially designed whistles tuned to a progression of tones called the overtone series. In musical terms overtones are a series of tones starting from a fundamental tone and ascending infinitely in pitch Playing, singing, and listening to overtones has long been a method of spiritual awakening. Buddhist chanters in Mongolia and Tibet sing overtones embedded with sacred mantras. They resonate the overtone sounds in different sinus cavities and spaces within their cranium while chanting. The result is both beautiful and powerful in its healing and spiritual effect.

Angelic Conversation
Peruvian Initiation
Insect Whispers
Whistling Angelic Winds

Our body is like a musical scale. When it is properly tuned we have a sense of well-being and perfect self expression. In Calendula we use a revolutionary system of creating healing sounds with specially designed tuning forks to help tune and align the body.

Harmonic Clouds
Harmonic Clouds can be used to gain flexibility in many life situations . The movement of the music through different intervals encourages our body to adjust to different harmonic proportions.
Harmonic Dance
Harmonic Dances catches the swirling interaction of intervals, simulating a private healing session where the tuning forks are tapped and moved over the body and around the cranium.
Pythagorean Meditations explores each interval as a sacred space. Listening to an interval has different effects upon our body, emotions, and mind.


The natural frequency of the Earth, 7.83Hz, is said to be associated with a brainwave frequency that induces relaxation. Thus when the Earth is radiating this frequency, cell regeneration and healing start within the body naturally. Having a connection with Earth’s Frequency can help you feel grounded and enlightened.

Drunvalo Melchizedek's love for all life everywhere is immediately felt by anyone who meets him. For some time, he has been bringing his vast vision to the world through the Flower of Life program and the Mer-Ka-Ba meditation. He is the author of three previous books, Flower of Life, Volumes One and Two and Living in the Heart.

Outer Octahedron 'Clockwise'
Middle Square 'Steady Immobile'
Inner Octahedron 'Counterclockwise'

01 Mer Ka Ba
02 Unity Breath - Intro
03 Unity Breath
04 Close Your Eyes and Relax
05 Love Is the Way Home