TaiChi Punjab Resonance Center
Bio well Bio Signature Cards
The Complete System of Self Healing Bio well

  Blue Wave   Electric Health - Medicine-less Health   Red wave  

Look at your lifestyle through the prism of
pure consciousness, Tai Chi

Bio well Bio-Well Analysis is a revolutionary tool based on
Electro-Photonic Imaging made specially for
real time assessment of the energetic state of a person.

Bio-electromagnetic Field
  • Electric Body – Our bodies are made up of dynamic, pulsing electromagnetic fields. The health of our electrical system deeply informs our physiology and the functioning of every organ and system in the body.
  • Electric Nature – Everything in the natural world–the sun, forests, mountains, rivers, oceans, plant life, the moon and stars – is electromagnetic in nature, teeming with electrical energy and information.
  • Electric You – Bringing ourselves into greater resonance and electromagnetic equilibrium — within ourselves and with our natural environment — plays a vital role in improving our health, well-being, creativity and performance.

What is Bio-Well Analysis?

Bio-Well is a revolutionary tool based on Electro-Photonic Imaging made specially for express-assessment of the energetic state of a person. Interpretation of the scans is based on Acupuncture points concept. Bio-Well is a visual, non-intrusive way to measure the human energy field. Each scan returns a wealth of meaningful information to provide you with a truly holistic view of the state of your well-being.

biowell points
Frequency Medicine – (Bio Resonance)

Frequency medicine sees the person as a complex of magnetic fields. The human body is made up of cells that are affected by magnetic (electric) fields, and through their membranes chemical substances pass (some of which are called electrolytes). These substances change the electric field of the cell and create energy. when the electrical frequency or signals in a certain organ, system or cell; are disturbed, disease arises.
An imbalance in different energy systems can cause a disease whose symptoms are expressed on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

DEMO : Bio-Well Analysis

Body Electricity

Body Electric: Electroceuticals and the Future of Medicine, a documentary film aimed to revolutionize the way we think about health and the human body.


TCP Therapeutic Audio Library

As you listen to an interval, relax and “get inside” the sound. Feel free to hum or chant in resonance with the interval. Notice how your body responds and changes.

Tai Chi for Kids

Need a simple but effective way to help your kids ground their energy?
This easy-to-follow Qi Gong routine from Master Qi Gong Teacher Lee Holden will help you and your kids get out all the wiggles and frenetic energy.
In our busy world it's no wonder children often struggle to focus for very long, simple Ta Chi exercises allows them to become involved on many levels. Kids become more aware of the energy flow and the relaxation and focus are stronger when we focus from within.


TAI CHI : The Practice

The simple act of focusing on chi calms the autonomic nervous system, and revitalizes the internal organs by increasing the flow of blood and "Chi" (life force energy). Healing the internal organs is a necessary first step toward physical health, emotional stability and spiritual unfoldment.

One of the biggest areas where the whole-body movements of tai chi and qigong helps is by improving circulation to the muscles and organs and the major myofascial tracks (the connective tissue that runs throughout the body). They are like highways throughout your body that impact different organs, and each organ has a different meridian associated with it. When we improve circulation to these myofascial tracks, think of it as clearing “traffic jams” to the flow of your chi, which has benefits for electric current to flow and deliver proper energy and nutrients to intertnal organs.

Anatomy Trains
Tai Chi Myofascial Meridians

Tai Chi Basic Form : Targeting each muscle group


BioGeometry® is the patented science of using the energy principles of shape to qualitatively balance biological energy systems and harmonize their interactions with the environment. Balancing the activities of daily life, achieving harmony with our inner and outer environments, humanizing modern technology, and integrating science and spirituality is the work of the science of BioGeometry.

“The science of establishing harmony between biological fields and their environment, through the use of design, language of color, form, motion and sound.”

The Cornerstone of the science of BioGeometry : The "One Harmonizing Subtle Energy Quality" called 'BioGeometry Three'

BG3: In resonance with:
    1. Horizontal Negative Green
    2. Higher Harmonic of Ultra Violet
    3. Higer Harmonics of Gold
They are found simultaneously as the main component of the One Energy Quality. Found when the systems are in Balance.

  • BioGeometry is composed of the roots:
    Geo = Earth
    Metry = measurement
    Bio = life

  • Measurement of the life energy of the earth (including all life systems within it), based on the fundamentals of Pythagoras' theorem, multidimensional “Physics of Quality” the qualitative aspects of Pythagorean harmonics and resonance. In harmonics there is unity between all things.

    Qualitative : Right brain consciousness - sense of unity, oneness, belonging where we are a part of the universal harmonics
    Quantative : Left brain consciousness - sense of I, EGO, we feel separate from the universe/ nature
    Quality scale : Subtle vibrations may be invisible, vibrations can appear in any quality scale : shape or sound or movement or angel or color or proportion.

    Bio Geo


    BioSignatures, are linear diagrams that by virtue of their design properties directly balance the energy of body organs and their functions. Similar in concept to computer technology when activated by an electric current the function is determined by the design of the circuit even when reduced to a micro level.

    Bio Signature Cards

    Vibrational Sound Therapy

    In the health and wellness space, nothing is more underrated and impactful than vibrational sound therapy. Not only does it promote relaxation, it also helps to align the mind, body, and spirit. This healing modality has been around for thousands of years, yet it wasn’t until recently when it experienced a huge surge in the West.

    Vibration, sound, and consciousness are fundamental manifestations of the universe that largely define the nature of existence and the structure and organization of everything that exists. Listening to tuning forks creates an instant state of mental and physical coherence that that can be scientifically measured through the release of constitutional Nitric Oxide and related biochemical markers that are fundamental to health and well-being.

    Bio Geo

  • Tuning forks – Tuning forks and sound builds deep levels of healing by bringing your body back to its fundamental pulse and by connecting you to your Authentic Life Rhythm. Tuning forks can identify and clear pain & trauma stored in the biofield and how traditional principles and locations of the chakras correspond directly with the biofield discoveries.
  • Solfeggio Sound Frequencies – When these tones are played together, they create a powerful healing vibration that can help to balance and align energy centers.
    Several frequencies fall into this category: 174 Hz, 285 Hz, 396 Hz, 417 Hz, 432 Hz, 528 Hz, 639 Hz, 741 Hz, and 852 Hz

  • Non-Discriminatory Policy

    The Punjab Tai Chi Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, and ethnic origin. Services and training to its entirety is available to all.

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    Individual therapy sessions are conducted in-person at our office in city Muktsar. Sessions are approximately 50 min. We typically recommend weekly sessions, though an individualized treatment plan will be established based on each client’s needs.

    Code illustration

    Tai Chi Health Workshops
    NO FEES - Open House

    Learn Healing Qigong and Tai Chi

    Open workshops held at different location "Heads up!"   notice will be displayed for upcoming event. You are welcome to join and learn.

    Few slides from our previous class.
    Code illustration

    3 Days Tai Chi Workshop

    Learn to connect with your organs. Heart, Liver, Brain, Kidneys, and Lungs.

    Twice a month 3 DAYS workshop (L1 L2 and L3) with accomodation & kitchen at
    PUNJAB Naturopathy and Yoga Hospital, Bhadaur, Punjab 148102, India

    3 Days Workshop with accomodation and kitchen
    PUNJAB Naturopathy and Yoga Hospital, Bhadaur, Punjab 148102, India
    $600 / person
    5:30 am Morning Tai Chi Practice
    6:30-8 am Breakfast break
    9:30-11 am Workshop
    11-12:00 pm Lunch break
    2:30-5:30 pm Workshop
    5-6 pm Tea break
    6-7 pm Evening practice
    7-8:30 pm Dinner
    9-10 pm Discussion time in the hall
    10:00 pm End of Day

    * You can also organize your own venue at any desired location or a private house for 3 Days event.
    (9am - 5pm)


    Instructor Fee
    $250 / person

    ** Feel free to contact Instructor for availability and more options

    Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3


    Advance Workshop
    Teacher Training Course / Certification
    FULL DAY - 9am - 5pm

    Bio Geo awakening

    QUESTION : Awakening to what ??

    Activate Your Mind & Energy Field with the Power of Consciousness Development, Personal Transformation and Learn to Perceive your vibrational body.

    Special Class for Winter : Registration Now Open. 15 Seats per class

    whats App  WhatsApp   +1 (336)698 5636   

    In this class you will learn Essential Practices to Activate the Human Energy Field, which are usually hidden. These practices are not available from any other source and are currently available through this workshop.

    The 10 Key Practices you will learn in this course:

    • Exercise 1: How to Pull Energy up the Pillar of Light and Clarify its Energy
    • Exercise 2: Activating Light and Vibration in the Pillar
    • Exercise 3: How to Activate the First Center above the Head (including how to Activate the “Astral Beacon” above the Head, connecting to beneficial Spiritual Beings)
    • Exercise 4: Toroidal Energy Circulation around the Body and Energy Field
    • Exercise 5: Activating the Central Column in the Human Energy Field with Solar Forces and Angelic Connections
    • Exercise 6: Activating the First Three Energy Centers Above the Head
    • Exercise 7: Activating the Three Primary Centers (the Anchors of the Soul) in the Physical Body
    • Exercise 8: Safe Method to Activate the First Three Energy Centers Below the Human Body
    • Exercise 9: Balancing Above and Below in the Human Energy Field with an Advanced Sacred Geometry Form 

    Register for Upcoming Class! - 15 Seats per class

    Environmental Services

    Bio Geo
    Agricultural & Environmental Solutions
    Home & Design Solutions

    Nature's Own Design

    BioGeometry energy-balancing architectural and industrial design consulting solutions.

    BioGeometry energy-quality balancing solutions are being applied for the environmental electro-magnetic and geopathic stress harmonization of residential and commercial spaces, as well as for larger geographical areas with astounding results. The science of BioGeometry has become the de facto benchmark in the harmonization of environmental electro-magnetic and geopathic stress.
    The BioGeometry effect is a relationship between the BioGeometry energy-quality balanced environment and the biological systems within it (biological systems humans, plants and animals)

    Tai chi isn't something that you can learn by watching or thinking about it; true transformation is only attained with effort.

    If you practice, your body will lose tension and gain health, stamina, and vitality.

    Time to Reject the Cult of Youth In today's Western culture, we idolize youth and make youthful appearance our highest good. The boomer and elderly generations are funding multibillion dollar industries based on the cult of youth. There are the industries that help us look younger: those that nip and tuck and suck and restructure and resculpt and those that teach us to use cosmetics to hide the signs of aging.

    Then there are the industries that have us frantically pumping and preening ourselves in gyms and workout rooms across the nation.

    We push ourselves to the limits on jogging tracks, stretch until dislocation threatens our limbs and submit to absurd dietary regimes.

    In the precious hours and minutes of leisure in our evenings and weekends we reproduce the ascetic, joyless and driven corporate work ethic that governs our workweek Yet, however young many people may look, they are increasingly feeling the burdens of chronic illnesses and stress.

    It is time to change the way we think about life and aging and how can we lose this psychological and physiological tension and gain health, stamina, and vitality.

    thinking wave
    Tai Chi Punjab ™ Courses and Certifications
    Qigong, Tai Chi & Internal Studies

    Bio Signature Cards
    Medicine-less Framework of Optimal Health

    Feel the Chi, Boost Your Energy.
     —  Stay Healthy, Protected and Shielded — 
    ' AT ALL TIMES '

    Tai Chi Punjab Logo

    medicine Within Develop and restore your life energy, chi
    – our bio-electromagnetic life force
    for self healing and life enhancement.

    10 Seats per Class
    March 1 2 3    Muktsar    Full
    March 15 16 17    Muktsar    6 Seats Available
    April 1 2 3    Muktsar    10 Seats available
    April 15 16 17    Mohali    4 Seats Available
    June    _____    NO CLASS

      CALL / WhatsApp   +1 (336)698 5636   
    Medicine-less Health
    3 Days Health Workshop
    'Learn to heal yourself with Tai Chi Punjab'      

    Levels are designed in a traditional very simple hands-on step-by-step approach to tai chi. Learn to look wthin. Connect with your organs, Heart, Liver, Lungs, Kidneys and Mind. Practice and restore your life force. We teach Tai Chi, Qigong and advance Inner Alchemy in its purest form, the way of the Tao.

    As Above, So Below

    Please feel free to contact us,
    We thank you for your interest.

    Tai Chi Punjab Logo
    Bio well

    "When we are not philosophizing about it Chi is a real
    tangible experience
    experience of a microcurrent flow."
    Microcurrent is the key to healing the body.

    Chi = Energy = BioElectric Current = Morphic Field
    Yin/Yang = Flow of current = Flow of +ve -ve

    Belief systems

    You don't need to subscribe to or learn much about tai chi's roots in Chinese philosophy to enjoy its health benefits, but these concepts can help make sense of its approach:

    Qi (chi) — Chi is the energy, electric current that runs through our bodies, providing us with circulation, nutrients, and minerals that we need to be whole and healthy.

    Yin Yang — Opposite charges that makesup electric current. Positive/Negative, i.e. Yin/Yang. Tai chi can raise this flow of current by alignments and contraction expansion of tendons and muscles. “With more electricity/voltage alone a lot of sickness can be healed and both physiological and psychological rejuvenation is possible”

    Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3

    Joseph portrait

    The Kua

    We often hear about moving from the Dan Tian in tai chi but doing so involves the whole pelvic structure. This includes awareness of position of the sacrum and allowing movement of both the kua and dan tian.

    Chi = Qi = Energy = Electric Current
    Dan Tian = Energy balance center
    * The Dan Tian is an area slightly below the belly button in the centre of the body.

    The waist is the body controller. Kua refers to the area that extends from the inguinal folds (front of the hip where the leg and body meet) to the crest of the pelvis. It includes the hip joints, the iliopsoas, and adductor muscles as well as the sacrum and the perineum.

    Tight pelvic muscles can pull your skeleton out of alignment into anterior hip tilt, impede your breathing ability and put stress especisally on abdomen organs containing all the digestive organs, including the stomach, small and large intestines, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder. The abdomen also contains the kidneys and spleen.


    Pelvic Bowl is the base and it holds all our internal organs. Weak pelvic muscles can lead poor posture, lower back pain, bowel movement, urinary problems, and other issues.


    The Psoas is the only ‘muscle’ to connect the spine to the legs. It is responsible for holding us upright, and allows us to lift our legs in order to walk. A healthily functioning psoas stabilizes the spine and provides support through the trunk, forming a shelf for the vital organs of the abdominal core.
    The psoas is connected to the diaphragm through connective tissue or fascia which affects both our breath and fear reflex. This is because the psoas is directly linked to the reptilian brain, the most ancient interior part of the brain stem and spinal cord.


    Tai Chi movement is rooted in the feet, launched through the legs, governed by the “waist” (think pelvis) and expressed through the hands. So, a proper frame allows the ability to flow and move softly. The upper body movement is a result of what we have established in the lower body and powered through the connecting bridge of the pelvis. Connecting with the pelvis connects us to our center, and our center of gravity as well.

    Moving the kua allows for rotation when the feet are in a fixed position. The Kua guides and adjusts the upper body in a kinetic chain of movement. The dan tian and waist move as a result of kua movement.